Dear Kindred Spirit Letter left in the Bird Island mailbox
But the mystic of the Kindred Spirit expands. Legend has it that the completed journals are periodically and secretly collected by the Kindred Spirit. He (or she, or it) reads every entry and then preserves them for all posterity. However unrealistic, it is a pleasant thought nonetheless.
But actual history tells a different story. According to a March 2019 article in Island Life NC Magazine the ‘mystery’, at least to many of the long-time local residents, is no mystery at all. But it is one that most of them have little interest in solving. It is, after all, a harmless tale.
It began in the late 1970s. It seems that a local gentleman named Frank Nesmith actually planted the mailbox at the behest of his then romantic interest, a girl named Claudia.
But its original location was not Bird Island. The original location of the mailbox was on a small patch of sand in Tubbs Inlet, not far away. But Mother Nature eroded that sand away so Claudia moved the mailbox in 1983 to its current location. She divulged the secret to only a few people. Claudia passed away in 2013.
We can only wonder who collects and reads those journal accounts today.
How to get to Bird Island and the Kindred Spirit Mailbox
Drive over the Sunset Beach Bridge down to the oceanfront. Turn right and drive to the last public access area.
From here you will walk southwest along the ocean side shoreline of the island. Walk approximately a mile and a quarter and look for a (second) flagpole displaying an American flag. There you will find the mailbox.
It is an hour or so round-trip walk. But give yourself some time to explore this beautiful island and, of course, add your story to a mailbox journal.
You’ll want to take along some water and maybe a picnic lunch. By all means don’t forget the sunscreen. The only significant shade on the island is the shadow thrown by the mailbox.
By water
Boating to the island is very popular among boating enthusiasts. On a summer day will likely to find several shallow draft boats anchored on the western sound side of the island. To get there from the waterway, head east towards Little River Inlet. Bird Island Reserve will be on your left just as you approach the rock jetty.
If you don’t own a boat consider renting a pontoon boat, even jet skis, to make the trip. I personally prefer to boat to the island because the boat allows me to pack in lots of supplies. And a boat canopy can provide welcomed shade. Bring some binoculars for wildlife and people watching. Cell phones work fine here so you won’t be too far from civilization, just far enough to relax and enjoy Mother Nature. Put your phone in airplane mode and breathe deeply.
Hear the water slosh against the boat. Hear the gulls screeching. Please don’t feed them. Please leave it like you found it. For you former scouts, I’ll remind you of our rule to leave the places we visit in better shape than when we arrived. It’s not hard. Just take out more trash than you brought in. Obviously that includes soda and beer cans but it also includes the cleanly-gnawed bones from your picnic fried chicken and the like. Haul out every single piece of trash plus that of some ungrateful idiot.
Here are some other rules and suggestions:
• Enjoy the wildlife -- but don’t disturb it. They don’t need your help (probably).
• Don’t forget the sunscreen and a hat.
• Pets are welcome. That is a big plus with me. But you must keep them on a lease AT ALL TIMES when on the island. Off-leash pets can disrupt nesting animals and plant structure (not to mention kicking sand onto other visitors’ bologna sandwiches).
• Be sure to clean up after your pet.
• Speaking of food, the island is a perfect place for a beach picnic.
• Do not leave personal items behind.
• Keep your clothes on. Know that public nudity and nude sunbathing are not allowed --even on your own boat if it is in view of other visitors.
• The research equipment on the island is off-limits to visitors unless you are a researcher with the required permit (that excludes most of us).
• If you plan to fish or hunt you will need the required NC or SC license.
• Did I mention bring the sunscreen?
• NO overnight camping is allowed.
• Fires of any size are not allowed.
• Fireworks are not allowed. Yes, that includes sparklers.
• Kids (and adults) love to play in the sand but please fill any holes before you leave the beach.
• Recreational/off-road vehicles are prohibited (duh).
• There are NO facilities. That means NO restrooms.
• Did I mention the sunscreen?
• No firearms allowed.
Birdwatchers will be elated with their feathery finds here.
Along with the normal beach-bird finds one might expect to be present here, there is a unique bird.
The Reddish Egret is a large and rare wading bird. It is considered unique because of its feeding habit. Its feeding routine is one of running through the inlets and marsh while flapping its wings to frighten its prey into revealing itself. A unique but effective ploy. The birds frequent this area from July through September.
A Reddish Egret enjoys a fish lunch on Bird Island
Keep an eye out for these species as well:
• Seabeach Amaranth, Amaranthus pumilus
• Black Skimmer, Rynchops niger
• Least Tern, Sterna antillarum
• Eastern Painted Bunting, Passerina ciris ciris
• Wood Stork, Mycteria Americana
• Piping Plover, Charadrius melodus
• Wilson's Plover, Charadrius wilsonia
A loggerhead turtle swims off the coast of Bird Island
But the islands’ most famous wildlife is nesting loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Be advised that the island (and Sunset Beach) are sea turtle sanctuaries. May through October is when they are the most fragile. Let’s protect them.
Don't shine lights on a sea turtle or take flash photography
• Keep your distance. Never disturb a nesting sea turtle.
• Don’t leave holes on the beach. They are a death trap for turtles.
Got it? Let’s go. Pack that picnic lunch, crank up the Mercury outboard and head on out to Bird Island Sanctuary for a day of fun in the sun.